What is Tift about
Tift®, “Trauma Integrating Flow Therapy”, proposes a unifying approach to complex trauma therapy through a holistic understanding of the client’s state as synthesis of my professional and personal experience (see “Who”). The therapy process utilises the non-linear dynamics of complex systems and their inherent sensitivity to initial conditions, known as “butterfly effect”.
The healing process focusses on the client’s presenting traumatic gestalt as the winning and only available response to a dysfunctional attachment and childhood, holding the entire imprint of its past survival adaptations.
Tift’s therapy set-up follows the “musts” of secure attachment, combining the intersubjective bond between therapist-client the conditions allowing for neural integration. As a result, coherent movement and flow arise again in the organism.

How does Tift work?
Complex trauma clients are most often hanging on by a thread, always recreating an inner and outer balance, living with a “Sisyphus syndrome”. Trauma disorganises time and flow, causing fragmentation, dysregulation, and dissociative states
Resolution follows the client’s overall survival adaptations, i.e. the dysfunctional IWM (Inner Working Models) and their consequences over the lifetime, creating an uncluttered space for flow to emerge anew.
Tift offers structured analytical tools for evaluating the client’s survival structure, for undoing maladaptive survival patterns and archaic protectors, transgenerational imprints, as well as for integrating dissociated parts.

Whom is Tift for?
For psychotherapists looking for an elegant holistic and structured process for resolving the client’s condition, in sync with neuroaffective precepts.
For psychotherapists working with clients with complex symptoms, syndromes, addictions, preverbal trauma, attachment, and developmental trauma etc.
For psychotherapists looking for an additional systemic approach: Tift offers Tift-Sys for a systemic family approach and a Tift-Duo for a couple’s variant.

Why does Tift make sense?
Complex trauma has gained increasing importance, giving rise to various new therapy models.
Starting trauma therapy is a chance for the client but a challenge for the client’s fragile stability. Tift works within the client’s comfort zone with minimal trauma exposure, thus favoring integration and the feeling of being safe.
The holistic perception of the presenting gestalt acknowledges the efforts, the restrictions and the suffering that were necessary to build it, thus fostering a feeling of meaning and self-trust.